Climate Summaries - Monthly averages for temperature, rainfall, snow, and more covering 115 cities throughout Washington
Annual Precipitation Map - Get the big picture from this awesome image
Local Radar - This precise image will be shown in either a precipitation (rain or snow) or clear air (clouds or not) mode. It is based on a graduated color scale: blues indicating light; greens for moderate; yellow to orange for heavy, and red to white for maximum
Regional Radar - A broader, yet limited picture of current statewide precipitation
Current SatelliteDaily Forecast - A current forecast for major cities and regions in Washington (NORTHEAST region covers Spokane; NORTH CENTRAL region includes Omak and Winthrop)
Zone Forecasts - Includes 40 zones throughout Washington for pinpoint up-to-date weather conditions
Extended Forecast - Western and Eastern Washington
Current Northwest Climate - The latest temperature and precipitation data for many selected cities throughout Washington
Washington Live Cams - Find several live cams from around the state on our Great Links page
Current Mount Rainier Recreational Forecast
FarView Weather Services
(888) 876-2110 or (360) 332-4312
9692 Ronald Dr, Blaine, 98230
Retired meteorologist offers travel weather forecasts and trip/event planning services for Washington State and points beyond
W.O.W. - Field tested mountain forecasts for hikers, including current snow depths; plus trip tips on road and trail conditions and personalized forecasts.
Marine Advisories - Coastal and inland waters of Western Washington
Marine Forecast
- Coastal
Current Marine Observations - An interactive site where meteorological, wind, and oceanographic conditions are reported from buoy and CMAN stations in Northwest waters