Diverse is the best word to describe the climate of Washington. West of the Cascades temperatures are generally moderate. Winters are ordinarily rainy and cool, except for the occasional arctic blast that might blow in colder temperatures and perhaps some frost or snow. Summers are mild, with an occasional week of hotter than normal temperatures, usually in August. It's safe to say that weather conditions in Western Washington can be unpredictable, so it's best to always be prepared. Pack rain gear and warm clothing. On the other hand, east of the Cascades the weather is predictably cold and snowy in the winter, and hot and dry in the summer, with lots of sun. Winter temperatures are often milder for Southeastern Washington.
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Washington Weather Forecasts - Daily Forecasts

Climate Summaries - Monthly averages for temperature, rainfall, snow, and more covering 115 cities throughout Washington

Annual Precipitation Map - Get the big picture from this awesome image

Local Radar - This precise image will be shown in either a precipitation (rain or snow) or clear air (clouds or not) mode. It is based on a graduated color scale: blues indicating light; greens for moderate; yellow to orange for heavy, and red to white for maximum

Regional Radar - A broader, yet limited picture of current statewide precipitation
Current Satellite

Daily Forecast - A current forecast for major cities and regions in Washington (NORTHEAST region covers Spokane; NORTH CENTRAL region includes Omak and Winthrop)

Zone Forecasts - Includes 40 zones throughout Washington for pinpoint up-to-date weather conditions

Extended Forecast - Western and Eastern Washington

Current Northwest Climate - The latest temperature and precipitation data for many selected cities throughout Washington

Washington Live Cams - Find several live cams from around the state on our Great Links page

Washington Storm Reports

Washington Weather Roundup

Current Mount Rainier Recreational Forecast

FarView Weather Services
(888) 876-2110 or (360) 332-4312
9692 Ronald Dr, Blaine, 98230
Retired meteorologist offers travel weather forecasts and trip/event planning services for Washington State and points beyond

W.O.W. - Field tested mountain forecasts for hikers, including current snow depths; plus trip tips on road and trail conditions and personalized forecasts.

Marine Advisories - Coastal and inland waters of Western Washington

Marine Forecast


Current Marine Observations - An interactive site where meteorological, wind, and oceanographic conditions are reported from buoy and CMAN stations in Northwest waters

Current Tide Predictions