For many, childhood memories are pleasant; mother and father, cat and dog, a nice little house and neighborhood- but my childhood memories have more than that. I grew up in Home, Washington. We lived in a historical old house with stone thresholds and a big porch- on two acres of land that contained the largest willow tree in the county, a marvel to us kids. We had a big King apple tree that never failed to produce deliciously crisp and perfect apples every fall. A pear tree, cherries- and, we had the best blackberry bushes around, full of sweet and tasty fruit; soft, but not mushy; firm, but not hard. A creek, running in front of the willow. It was a beautiful place. Of course, I wasn't confined there- I also remember many wonderful things about the surrounding areas - Lakebay - the Puget Sound- the Narrows Bridge. It was always a great outing to go to Penrose Park. A beach and park where we found oysters and shrimp, could swim and dive off the raised dock, and go rafting. Large driftwood lay around the beach to climb on- you could picnic and play and explore the woods. In Lakebay my father always took us kids to the Huckleberry Inn- a little diner where we got tasty eats and good treats. And besides all this, just by driving, you are amazed by the beautiful scenery surrounding everything! Towering evergreens! Beautiful foliage and forests, and perhaps a bit of wildlife!
Another great memory I have is of going across the Narrows Bridge! As a small child it was a thrill because of its height, and the beauty of the water and land around it! When you cross the Narrows Bridge, in the distance you can also see the great Mount Rainier, always covered with snow! Then there is always camping! The fresh air of Washington is something to see- or smell!! Camping and fishing is relaxing and enjoyable- I remember it fondly.Daniel J. Fee